Blue Light
What is blue light?
Blue light, like many things in its natural form, is actually a good thing! Blue light is emitted from almost every light-generating source, the largest being the sun.
There is a whole spectrum of wavelengths that make up “white light”, and these wavelengths have a lot to do with how we perceive color. Not all colors of light have the same effect. Some are invisible, like infra-red, and some are harmful, like UVA and UVB. Blue light straddles that tipping point from UV into the healthy visible spectrum.

What's great about it?
Blue light's natural role is to energize you! It boosts attention, supports your memory, increases your reaction times, and lifts your mood. It also serves to help your body create its natural circadian rhythm, and aids your natural production of melatonin - the hormone that tells your mind and body when it’s time to sleep and wake up.
Circadian rhythms are found in most living things (plants, animals, and microorganisms included) and are essentially physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle - typically responding to light and darkness as the earth makes its full 24 hour rotation. Feeling alert and energetic in the morning and calm and sleepy at night is an example of a healthy circadian rhythm.
Circadian rhythms are found in most living things (plants, animals, and microorganisms included) and are essentially physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle - typically responding to light and darkness as the earth makes its full 24 hour rotation. Feeling alert and energetic in the morning and calm and sleepy at night is an example of a healthy circadian rhythm.

So, where did it all go wrong?
Well, us hyper-advanced and ambitious creatures have created something of a problem. We invented lighting that burns all hours, illumination that we don’t click off until bedtime, and now, an array of digital devices endlessly emitting light, and yes, you guessed it, a lot of blue light.
It keeps us overstimulated and alert for far longer than is healthy. It slows down, if not completely annihilates, our body's healthy production of melatonin (the sleepy-time hormone), and wreaks havoc on our circadian rhythms.
It keeps us overstimulated and alert for far longer than is healthy. It slows down, if not completely annihilates, our body's healthy production of melatonin (the sleepy-time hormone), and wreaks havoc on our circadian rhythms.

The result?
Us having a harder time falling asleep, our minds being alive and wired at night, and your natural sleeping pattern out of whack. You might wake up often or feel like you never sleep that deep, and then have trouble falling back to sleep when you do wake up in the night (especially if you are reaching for your device to check emails/the gram - we all do it!).
If you find that you wake up tired and generally feel permanently exhausted, it’s not necessarily a bi-product of adulthood, but could be overexposure to blue light. Sleep is chronically important. Not only does it make you feel better and think clearer, but sleep has a monumental impact on your body's adrenal, nervous, and immune systems.
Good sleep leads to lower blood pressure and higher immunity, and has been linked to many larger issues like weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Are we telling you a pair of glasses will change that? No, but better sleep and better self-care, definitely will.
If you find that you wake up tired and generally feel permanently exhausted, it’s not necessarily a bi-product of adulthood, but could be overexposure to blue light. Sleep is chronically important. Not only does it make you feel better and think clearer, but sleep has a monumental impact on your body's adrenal, nervous, and immune systems.
Good sleep leads to lower blood pressure and higher immunity, and has been linked to many larger issues like weight gain, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Are we telling you a pair of glasses will change that? No, but better sleep and better self-care, definitely will.